• Via della Concordia, 4 37036 - San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) ITALY
  • info@antsrl.eu

Our areas of activity

In a world that is growing more connected by the day, where activities are constantly being rethought to be managed remotely, the antenna plays a central role and is crucial not only in traditional sectors but also in countless new applications.


With a wide range of collinear, dipole, yagi and panel antennas - a portfolio that includes all the products of the historic Caletti brand - we are able to guarantee radio links and significant coverage in VHF, UHF, TETRA and DMR frequencies. We also offer solutions for automotive, marine and PMR applications.
We also actively work with government agencies and high-profile partners to provide specific products for critical military, naval and aeronautical applications.



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